Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How about Relationships?

Are you aware that every relationship in your life is either taking you towards your dreams or away from them? They are either making deposits or withdrawals. You need to learn to qualify people for your presence, or for your inner circle, for not everyone qualifies. Some of the qualifiers are respect and honor. I say, qualify the soil around you before you plant the seed of your life in it. I believe this is the #1 way to guard your heart, for you will find that your life will always evolve around relationships. How about your daily and weekly schedule? Learn to prioritize what are the 3 most important things in your life. #1-God-daily prayer, bible reading, study/meditation, Church attendance, ministry activities and functions. #2-Family- daily communion(keeping the life line open), breakfast time, dinner time, morning or evening chats, going to church or functions together, fun time, vacation, going out with your mate on a date. #3-Work-How long does it take to get there, how many hours does my job require, is my job connected to my destiny or is it just supplying my needs. Doing these things, will give you clear picture of what your life is all about. You won't be wasting precious time on things that do not really matter, but will be making the most of your time and life. This will also help you make the proper adjustments in order for you to bring your life out of chaos and into divine order.

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