Friday, December 13, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
I'm so glad the Potter will make us Over and Over again, until He makes us just right...
For it is written, the Good Work He has begun....He will Complete to His Glory....Smile!
You are God's Masterpiece in Progress....Enjoy a Son Filled Day.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
I know that people can be cruel at times and the Christian Life has it's challenges...But
let us Never forget His Benefits...For we have a Joy that's Unspeakable and Full of Glory.
Peace that passes All Understanding...Love that Never Fails...Goodness and Mercy following
us...A Wall of Fire protecting us and His Glory fills our temple...WOW!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
May the influence of His Presence and the irresistible Power of His Spirit have you
leaping over Walls of Impossibilities and running through troops of Limitation....You're
more than a Conqueror! What is it that defies the Impossible??? Faith!!! Faith in God!
And you have it. Now use it and Miracles will happen.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Part 2 - The Tabernacle: The New Testament Local Church Pattern
The Gate of the Outer Court: Repentance from dead works....Brazen Altar: Blood: Justification
by faith, faith toward God, divine healing in the Atonement....Laver: Water- Water baptism,
sanctification, washing of regeneration. Holy Ghost Baptism - Door of the Holy Place....
Holy Place: Candlestick - Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit: Apostle's doctrine....
Shew Bread: Lord's Supper, Divine health, covenant concept, Five-Fold ministry....
Altar of Incense: Spirit-filled prayer, Praise and Worship....Holy of Holies/Veil:
Access into the fullness of His Glory....The Ark: Full maturity, Throne of God.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Part 1: Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle
"In the volume of the Book it is written of me". Hebrews 10:5-7.......Outer Court: Gate of the Court - Christ the Way
......Brazen Altar: Cross - Christ the Savior, the Sacrifice, the Justifier,the Healer
.....Laver: Christ the Sanctifier.....The Entrance to the Holy Place. Christ the
Baptizer, the door.....
Holy Place-Candlestick: Christ the Light....
Shew bread: Christ the Bread....
Altar of Incense: Christ the High Priest....
Holy of Holies- The Veil: Christ the Access....
The Ark: Christ the fullness of the Godhead Bodily, the Lord,
Overcomer, the Head of the Church.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
I have discovered that the way we handle people, money, and responsibilities will ultimately determine
how far God will trust us....."and you can take that to the bank".
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
Jesus life and ministry was one without retaliation. He had no fight in Him.
He always let the Father fight His battles...And He always won... So Today,
by His Grace, let us do the same...
Friday, August 2, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
Seed faith is simply deciding what you want for a Harvest and then selecting the seed that
will create it...Now be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it, and take dominion
in Jesus Name...
Friday, July 26, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
Remember this, your Potential...Is not a prophecy of your future. It is not your destiny....
Your potential is only possibilities. For it is not what you have...but what you do with
what you have that will determine your outcome...So use it or lose it.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
Remember what the men of Bethshemesh did??? They lifted the lid off the Mercy Seat....looked in it,
and it brought death....What am I saying? If you want to spare yourself from unnecessary heartache
and pain....Never lift the lid off the Mercy Seat and uncover what the Blood has already covered
and cleansed.....If you don't look won't turn back...
Today allow me to remind you....You have a divine purpose..."Don't loose sight of it". Don't get
tangled up with things that have no eternal value....Remember! You are headed for the throne!!!
Smile....."Your best is yet to come."
Friday, June 14, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
Although His Presence is not always felt...Thank God I know, that I know, that I know....He lives, He lives,
Christ Jesus Lives Today. He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way...He lives, He lives,
salvation to impart...You ask me how I know He lives??? He lives within My Heart.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
The knowledge of a thing is not the possession of it...For knowledge
without the fear of the Lord..puffeth up! And knowledge without wise
application is foolishness... So today,walk in the light of His Word
and be wise...Remember, they that do know their God shall be strong and
do exploits...
Friday, May 31, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
Some people waste their entire lives on momentary things. Things that in the long run
don't really matter...While others just live for the moment...Then there's those who
invest their adult life in a work place to the end, they will one day have a good
retirement pension...And all that is good... But I have discovered that my life right
here, right now, is my sowing season for an eternal harvest... So I have decided to
follow Jesus....For I believe that only what you do for Jesus counts for Eternity...LP
Friday, May 24, 2013
Good Morning Champion!
I'm so glad the Potter will make us over and over again, until He makes us just right...
For the good work He has begun in us...He will complete to His Glory...Smile...You are
God's Masterpiece in Progress....LP
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Good Morning Champion
Good Morning Champion! A man of God was thrown in prison for preaching the Gospel
wrote....The legs feel nothing in the stocks when your Heart is in Heaven...Wow..Selah..
Friday, May 10, 2013
Good Morning Champion
Good Morning Champion! Oh No...He went from Resentment to Bitterness, from Bitterness to Hatred, from Hatred to Rebellion,
from Rebellion to Immorality and finally he fell into Deception....So I looked and considered it well....Yes, a little leaven,
leavens the Whole lump...(My interpretation)If you invite the devil for lunch...he will bring his pajamas..Stay Clean!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The Tabernacle of Moses-Part 4- The Number 5
The Number Five is typical of the Grace of God in the Atonement. The Brazen Altar was to be five cubits long and five cubits broad.
On the Cross, Christ suffered five wounds: His Feet, His Hands, and His Side. These five wounds of Christ are God's answer to the five
'I wills' of Satan when he crossed God's will in Heaven. The number five is the most prominent number in the whole of the Tabernacle.
Five is the number of Grace. The number five or the Grace of God is also stamped all over your body or tabernacle. You have 5 fingers,
5 toes, 5 senses. Psalm 139:14 "I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
The Tabernacle Of Moses- Part 3- The Number 4
It's said the Altar shall be four square. The number four points us to the fact this message of atonement or this message of salvation thru the shed
blood of Jesus Christ is a world wide message. The four gospels are to be preached to the four corners of the Earth(Mark 16:15). The four square church was founded
on these Four Truths: Jesus died for our sins, He was raised for our justification, He ascended to the right hand of God the Father, and He is coming back again to receive unto Himself a bride without spot, wrinkle or any such thing.
There were four horns on the Brazen Altar. Horns speak of salvation, strength, and power. It also speaks of an emblem of excessive strength and stately grace.
The horns on the Altar were a functional adornment that was used to tie the sacrificial animals to. Jesus Christ came as our new testament once and for all sacrifice.
A willing sacrifice that was only bound by a Love to do His Father's will. No one took His life, but He laid it down on Calvary's Altar.
Friday, March 8, 2013
The Tabernacle of Moses-Part 2-The Number 3
Lets look at the number 3 in connection with the Brazen Alter. The Alter was three cubits high- the number of the Godhead. In connection with this Alter which
was instrumental in providing the Blood of the Atonement(or the reconciliation of God and Man through the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary), it points out to us that the Godhead was involved in the three days and the three nights of the atonement. Calvary, or the atonement, or our redemption was the will of the Father, executed by the Son, who was empowered by the Spirit.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Studies of Brokeness
Proverbs 4:23 says- "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."
The Power of God as a gift can become a very dangerous thing unless it is kept in
balance with humility and a submissive spirit. Many have allowed this power to get the
best of them and as a result have become abusive, arrogant, self-absorbed, prideful,
manipulative or intimidating. A law unto themselves. Your daily(positive)decisions are
what God uses to construct your life. Every time you choose life and blessing, to praise
and give God thanks in spite of what you are going through,you are allowing God to come
in and drive out every enemy that has been assigned to steal, kill, and destroy you.
Don't live in darkness, seek the Light.....Read Phil 2:1-11
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