Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven."
Winter- a time or season of inactivity or decay. a time or season of repair, restoration and rejuvenation.
Spring- the season when things come into being. It is resurrection time. The season when things originate and blossom.
Summer- It is Harvest Time.
Autumn or Fall- the season of preparation.
#1-Times and seasons of Warfare: God never changes, but our seasons and times do. Not discerning the times and seasons will give the enemy the advantage over us. II Cor. 2:11" Lest satan should get an advantage over us for we are not ignorant of his devices." Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge or for being ignorant of the enemies devices." Most battles that we find ourselves engages in are not battles ordained of God, but rather battles that our ignorance and pride have gotten us into. The battles ordained of God are fought for spoils and rewards. (God always uses a Goliath to bring his servants from obscurity to prominence). The battles fought out of ignorance, and pride waste our time, sap our energy, and many times deplete our finances, not to mention the disgrace that some of those battles cost us.
#2-Times and seasons of Distress: times when we will experience pain, anguish, and misfortune. Remember! What you permit will always continue. Behavior permitted is behavior perpetuated. Many times sin is the cause of distress. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and repent. Repentance stops prosecution. There are five rewards of pain: it forces you to look to the Word of God for answers, it causes you to lean on the arm of God instead of men, it forces you to learn where you went astray, it forces you to long for His presence and healing, it forces you to listen for changes in God's instructions. So don't misunderstand the hurting season. They birth the healing process.
#3- Times and seasons of fear. II Tim 1:7 "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." Weakness is contagious, and so is fear, and so conduct (or fear) allowed becomes conduct(or fear) approved. Everything changes when a weakness is permitted to grow in you.
#4-Times ans seasons of rest: When fatigue walks in-faith walks out. This is why it is vital for you to replenish yourself consistently, Jesus did. Private victories can birth public victories. Private victories can lead to public honor. Time alone with God builds character. Those times birth revelation of the power and
purpose of God. Fatigue makes you vulnerable to the enemy. Most fall into temptation when fatigued. Don't ever give up! You may be 24 hours away from your breakthrough.
#5-Times and seasons of special favor: Special seasons of favor births unusual success. Unusual favor moved Joseph from the prison to the palace of pharaoh. Unusual favor is when God causes someone to desire to become a problem solver in your life. Unusual favor is only guaranteed to those who qualify through acts of obedience. Unusual favor is an attitude of goodness toward you, not an exchange or payment for something you have done. Unusual favor must begin as a seed from you before it returns as a harvest to you.